Friday, January 31, 2020

Anselms Cosmological Argument Essay Example for Free

Anselms Cosmological Argument Essay Anselm seeks to explain the existence of a greatest being, i. e. God. He approaches this task not via our experience of the universe, but rather attempts to explain it solely based upon reason. Anselm attempts to prove the existence of God by providing us with a logical explanation, based upon our understanding, definition, and necessity of God. It is inconceivable for God not to exist. There is a certain nature through which everything that is exists, Anselm explains, is caused to exist by something. Everything that is, exists by virtue of something, and nothing is able to exist through nothing. The underlying assumption here is that things do not exist through themselves for there is no need for their being. Leading to conclude that it is implausible that anything at all is able to exist because of nothing, and that nothing should exist because of something. Building upon earlier argument, Anselm concludes that â€Å"whatever is [†¦] does not exist except through something. † Since, according to him, this premise is true and since, as pointed out earlier in his argument, everything that is exists either through itself or through something, there must be one, or many, beings though which all things that are exist. Our existence and the existence of everything there is, therefore, must be explained by a virtue of a higher being, or several of them. Anselm identifies and explores several possibilities of existence of a higher being, or beings. He points out that there may be several beings, rather than one, that are the ultimate cause of everything that exists, and presents one with his critical analysis of such idea. Anselm argues that if there is more than one of such beings then they themselves must exist either through (a) one being, (b) separately through itself, or (c) mutually through one another. If, he states, these beings exist through one supreme being, then all things that exist cannot exist through more than one being. Following this premise, Anselm concludes that all things that exist must therefore exist through this one supreme being. If, however, there are many beings, which exist separately and each through itself, then there must be a certain â€Å"power or property of existing through self†, by which they are able to exist. Building upon this premise, Anselm goes on to explain that it is because of this particular â€Å"power or property† that each of these beings is able to exist. Thereby concluding that these beings exist by virtue of one greater power, without which they cannot exist. Once again we are back to the same argument that only one being can exist, for plurality does not explain itself. Lastly, a third alternative proposed by Anselm deals with beings existing mutually through one another. He argues that such thought is contrary to reason. For, it is irrational that â€Å"anything should exist through a being on which it confers existence. † In other words, there cannot be a being that is a giver and a taker. That, which exists by its own virtue and is yet dependent on itself for existence. Taking all of the arguments and points stated above, Anselm concludes that there can only be one greatest being, i. e. God, and it is through him that everything that is exists. If everything that is, exists by virtue of something, and nothing is able to exist through nothing, then God simply cannot be conceived not to exist. God is that, â€Å"which alone exists in the greatest and highest degree of all† and nothing greater can be conceived. For, everything that exists, exists through this greatest being, but it alone exists through itself. One aspect of Anselm’s argument that stands out in particular is a premise upon which the whole argument is based. Explicitly, â€Å"Everything that is, exists either through1 something, or through nothing. But nothing exists through nothing. For it is altogether inconceivable that anything should not exist by virtue of something. † This, he holds to be the self-evident truth. Once again, the underlying assumption here is that things do not exist through themselves for there is no need for their existence. Such things therefore cannot be the cause of their own existence. Therefore, it must exist by virtue of a greater being. BIBLIOGRAPHY S. D. Deane, (Trans. ), St. Anselm, Basic Writings (Second Ed. ), La Salle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Company, 1994.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Business Model Essay -- Business Management Essays

The Business Model Michael Lewis (2000: pages 256-257) scoffed at the whole attempt to formalize the definition of business models when he wrote that â€Å" â€Å"Business Model† is one of those terms of art that were central to the Internet boom: it glorifies all manner of half baked plans. All it really meant was how you planned to make money.† In an abstract of his paper â€Å"A Mesoscopic Approach to Business Models: Nano Research on Management† published in â€Å"Economic Issues in China† Dr. Junyi Weng stated that â€Å"Business Model, a well known important and extensively used term by media, management consultancy and business top managers, is just in an embarrassment that there is no consensus about its definition and few papers in academic periodicals.† He designed and discusses his conception of business models based interfaces interacting in interior and exterior business environments. Peter Weill, Thomas W. Malone, Victoria T. D’Urso, George Herman and Stephanie Woerner of MIT in their paper â€Å"Do Some Business Models Perform Better than others?: A Study of the 1000 Largest US Firms† agree that the concept of business models is while widely discussed is seldom systematically discussed. The paper then proceeds to postulate a conceptual framework for comprehensively classifying business models. These consist of four basic types of business models (Creator, Landlord, Distributor and Broker), which are each broken down into four variants accordance with type of assets they deal in (physical, financial, intangible and human). Thus giving rise to 16 specialised business Model types.† Professor Michael Rappa like many others prefer to present a comprehensive and cogent taxonomy of basic categories as observed on the web as follows: Brokerage Advertising Infomediary Merchant Manufacturer (Direct) Affiliate Community Subscription Utility He however, does not believe that these are exhaustive and expects new and interesting variations in the future. KMLab Inc. offers an interesting definition: â€Å"a Business model is a description of how your company intends to create value in the market place. It includes that unique combination of products, services, image and distribution that your company carries forward. It also includes the underlying organization of people and the operational infrastructure that they use to accomplish their work. In some ways... ...rocesses such as inventory management etc. Maybelline a company founded in 1915 is one of the largest selling color cosmetics line in the United States. Its sells through outlets of almost every major mass-market retailer, such as supermarkets, drugstores, discount stores and cosmetics specialty stores. Its products are also available in over 70 countries worldwide. Maybelline uses a traditional model in its sales distribution network, which is the use of sales representatives to canvass for business and to arrange for sales. The use of sales representatives who are employees makes this a Business-to-Employee-to-Business interface model. In the 1990s the company a traditional â€Å"mortar† company re-invents itself a click and mortar company through the use of ICTs. However, one innovation to the sales representative concept is Maybelline’s use of its representatives as market intelligence reporters, who actually serve as the eyes of the company to monitor the progress of its products and the way they are handled by the retailers as well as progress of competitors’ products. This is the trading/sales structure of the company, which cannot be said to be a new business model.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Pearl Harbor Essay

Picture yourself as a crew member on one of the naval ships in Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1944 before complete destruction began. It’s a perfectly calm Sunday; everyone’s going about their own duties in a peaceful manner. Suddenly in the sky dozens of fighter pilots zoom overhead. Crew members have zero time to react to the planes as they begin to fire and drop bombs in the harbor. The initial surprise and confusion of the attack prevents any actions of defense. This attack on Pearl Harbor and all the pain and panic it caused for the US, will forever be remember as one of peril and devastation. In the 1940’s war erupted in Europe and parts of Asia. The US had initially planned to stay out of the war as long as they possibly could. America’s economy was weak from WWI efforts and Americans weren’t looking to get involved right away (Bachrach, Deborah, 12). Instead the US took a more safe approach by aiding Allied powers in Europe with weapons, ammunition and overall supplies. When US became aware that Japan had joined Hitler and the Axis powers they immediately ended trade and blocked many of their trading routes (Encyclopedia WWII, 81-82). While taking action overseas America still had no intent of joining the war and encouraged non-violence (Rosenberg, About. com). Even though the US only did what they thought was necessary because of recent Japanese actions. The Japanese didn’t feel the same way as they did. Aggravated Japanese military officials began a plot to attack the US. It took months for the Japanese to decide on their plan and where they would attack. Japan and Admiral Yamamoto Isuroku decided on a surprise attack that consisted of a very organized sneaky approach (82-84). Isuroku the man in-charge of planning pleaded with Japanese officials for weeks. Convincing them that retaliation was needed. When approved planning began (84). They planned to sneak; 6 aircraft carriers, 9 destroyers, 2 battleships, 3 cruisers, and 2 submarines across the Pacific. (Bachrach, Deborah Pearl Harbor, 35). Their destination would be Pearl Harbor and they planned to station within about 90 minutes of Oahu (pearlharbor. org). Once in position for attack the Japanese Planned to release 3 waves of attacks on the Harbor. Main targets for destruction were the naval aircraft carriers, next were the battleships and airfields (on the day aircraft carriers were out at sea). The real-time attack would be under the command of Admiral Naguma (Encyclopedia WWII, 86). Even though Japan thought there plan was flawless. They nearly avoided many speed bumps. Around the time of tensions between the US and Japan the US had created a secret message interceptor. Which if not terminated would have most-likely prepared the US for the attack. Because of paranoia of war the US terminated the interceptor program. These actions further helping the Japanese keep their attack a secret and undetected (pearlharbor. org). The first wave of attacks began at 7:48 a. . Hawaiian time consisting of 183 aircrafts (all sources). Thirty minutes before attack Japan claims they sent a message stating that peace negotiations were over between the two countries (Rosenberg, about. com/Pearl Harbor). Loses for the US were much worse during the first than second because of surprise. Two-thirds of losses came from the first wave. The fighter planes bombed all 8 battleships in the harbor. They also blew up all airfields in the area giving the US no air defense for 2nd wave (erikanderson. net/pearlharbor). The USS Arizona was blown up into flames and was sunk other ships were damaged none as bad as the Arizona. Despite complete surprise brave crew members on ships managed to get on guns and take down several planes flying overhead (Encyclopedia, 87). The most destruction to the ships in the harbor came from the suicide fighter pilots. Most intended for the USS Arizona. The USS Arizona also accounted for more than half of the casualties in both waves because of the 2,000 plus people on board (Encyclopedia WWII, 88). The destruction the first wave did was devastating and had the island in panic. After the attack people in Oahu still didn’t understand what exactly had happened (all sources). Many men and women were immediately rushed to the hospital. Of the American fatalities, nearly half of the totals were due to the explosion of the USS Arizona (88). At 8:00 am Admiral Husband W Kimmel sent out an emergency dispatch that the US was under attack by the Japanese (pearlharbor. org). The second wave which didn’t come long after the first ended started at 8:54 am. In an attempt to cripple the US naval fleet even more, the Japanese sent 170 more planes toward Oahu (pearlharbor. rg). This attack was sent to finish off whatever was still floating in the Harbor. Even though the 2nd wave didn’t do nearly as much damage as the first, it still managed to do a surplus amount of extra damage (ph. org). The second wave was divided into three groups. One was tasked to attack Kaneohe, the rest Pearl Harbor proper. The separate sections arrived at the attack point almos t simultaneously from several directions (Encyclopedia WWII, 90). Despite this low alert status, many American military personnel responded effectively during the battle. The crew members of ships and pilots on land all made efforts to make a difference during the second wave. They managed to kill sixty men and capture one. Even though the American death toll was much greater the response they made was very impressive while dealing with complete and utter surprise. Ninety minutes after it began, the attack was over (Rosenberg, About. com). The attack was over, but much was loss and damaged and many left wounded. After the fact 2,386 Americans died and 1,139 left wounded. Also 50 – 60 civilians were killed from anti-aircraft shells landing in populated areas. Eighteen ships were sunk or beached, including five battleships and one blown up (the USS Arizona) (Pearlharbor. org). Battleships damaged; the Arizona exploded, Oklahoma was capsized along with 429 people dead, West Virginia was sunk along with 106 dead, California was sunk along with 100 dead, Nevada was beached along with 60 dead, Tennessee was hit by two bombs but remained afloat along with 5 dead, Maryland hit by 2 bombs remained afloat along with 4 dead, and The Pennsylvania hit by one bomb remained afloat with 9 dead (Bachrach, Pearl harbor, 36-38). Also 178 aircrafts were destroyed in the bombing of the airfields (WWII encyclopedia, 89). Ten days after the attack Admiral Husband W. Kimmel was relieved of his duty as Commander of the naval fleet in Oahu. The reason was, because government officials believed that Kimmel didn’t take the right actions in preparing for upcoming attacks. He later went to testify against explaining that enough information was not presented to him to make the right calls (90). After all the death and destruction the US realized that they had many chances to prevent the attack from becoming. For example, Kimmel knew that an attack was evident just not where the attack would be at. Despite his knowledge of that he still let the day be a relaxed Sunday instead of having men station prepared for attack. Also the government and high officials didn’t take enough initiative in the fact that they and seriously angered the Japanese with their recent actions (erikandeson. net/pearlharbor). More or less the attack could have been defended or much rather stopped if initiative had been taken at the time. The day was a terrible day in American history and is the biggest death toll on American soil by foreign attack in that time period (Bachrach, Deborah, Pearl Harbor, 45). As said by Franklin Delanor Roosevelt, â€Å"a date which will live in infamy – the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. †(All sources) Ultimately the attack at Pearl Harbor was one of tragedy and unwelcoming surprise. Since the attack there have been only a few events in American history that have cause as much panic and despair. As a matter of fact to this day is known as one of the worse attacks on American soil by a foreign enemy, which pulled an unwilling nation into unwanted war. Even though the Japanese succeeded with their plan at Pearl Harbor, the response from the US was much greater than they expected. Their plans to cripple the US Naval fleet ended the war for them very disturbingly. In all the hate this event caused in the end it pulled America in to do the war and out of the great depression. All the men who lost their lives in this attack died an honorable death. December 7, 1944 is a day will live in infamy.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Customer Service An Important Part Of Business - 1124 Words

1. Introduction Customer service has become an important part of business for a number of reasons. Nowadays, customers have numerous choice of selection where they will buy product/ service based on their needs; therefore customer service is importance to build up customers’ loyalty and their returns. It is difficult for any organisation survive without customer service as there are no one to create connection between organisations and customers, handle payments or answer questions from prospective customers. Social media customer service grows fasted and strongest in customer service department. The strategy is not only answer questions and complaining from customers by using social media network; such as Facebook, Tweeter, Youtube, Blog, but also to create a strong faster connection between organisation and customers. According to the recent Social Media Customer Service Report conducted by TNS, surveyed more than 1,000 UK consumers and found that 57% of consumers preferred to search online to solve their customer issues then using traditional ways to interact with customer service department such as calling or email. Some in respond to this social customer service trends, some companies quickly create their pages for social customer service on Facebook, Tweet as well as the resources to be quickly and efficiently respond to customers. Online fashion companies is a leader in provide online customer service; for example, ASOS, Zara, Boohoo, they provide their Facebook,Show MoreRelatedAbstract:. With The Development Of The Business, The Competitive1605 Words   |  7 Pagesthe development of the business, the competitive between the company is become more and more fierce. 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